His movie 8-Mile (2002) presented Eminem in a way that the public was not previously accustomed to - an Eminem that showed compassion toward others, an Eminem that valued family, and most prominently as one with an electrifying rap prowess, seen in the premier song in the 8-Mile Soundtrack, “Lose Yourself (2002).” 2 Both his movie and his song allowed people to connect to his life as a struggling adult, but even more so, it allowed them access to his simplistic goals: maintain a family, write rap music, and live a life in comfort.

However, a large portion of the public still resented him for his crude lyrics and references to violence. Slim Shady became famous quickly, but there was more to Eminem than a blonde-haired, high-pitched white boy who came from a trailer park. Dre saw Eminem, he knew that Slim Shady’s image had been found. The next day he woke up “looking like a skunk” and went to the recording studio like any other day. One day Eminem walked into a Detroit drugstore and bought a bottle of peroxide while he was high on ecstasy, not knowing what he was doing. The name came about as his alias for his band, D12, as a way of differentiating rap styles between the band members, but at the time the name had no image to it. His younger fans, however, indisputably loved his music, written as it was from the perspective of his alter ego, Slim Shady. Eminem has already set himself apart from various Detroit artists through his unique rapping style, but his first three studio albums received a lot of mixed reviews from the public.