To correctly update a view that is based on multiple tables you can make use INSTEAD OF triggers in SQL Server.

Many candidates appear for the interview for one role - many of the them give the right answers to the questions asked.

Test yourself with real SQL interview questions: Question 1.

Basics to advanced concepts of SQL are covered in this article. Basic SQL Server Interview Questions SQL Server Interview Questions on Temporary Tables SQL Server Interview Questions on Indexes - Part 1 SQL Server Interview Questions on Indexes - Part 2 What is the difference between Having and Where clause What is the difference between a Temporary Table Both Temporary Tables (#Tables) and Table Variables in SQL Server provide a mechanism for Temporary holding/storage of the result-set for further processing.
These SQL interview questions are important to crack all multinational companies.It uses a query as the bases and the query is executated at the time the view 20 hours ago These SQL questions and answers are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. This time he talks about the philosophy of XML. 1) What is Database Snapshot? A database snapshot is a view of what the source database looked like at the time at which the snapshot was created. So you’ll gain real-time experience by going through them. SQL Interview Questions - A complete question bank to crack your ANN SQL interview with real-time examples Let us break the SQL interview with the help of SQL Server interview questions. SQL profiler can be used for real-time monitoring of data or also for future analysis of data. e to create a database, to create a table in the database, to retrieve data or update a table in the database, etc. If you can read the SQL interview questions before interview and take its printout it will be really useful. Check out the top SQL Query interview questions asked by recruiters today: Q1. SQL stands for Structured Query Language.Real time sql interview questions Use the script below to